AA ADVICE: Tips to cut fuel use

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We are all too aware that the cost of living has headed north, with households feeling the pinch of high inflation and rising prices.
At times this year, the price of regular petrol has hit an eye-watering $3 a litre– making standing at the pump, watching those numbers tick over quite a stressful event.

There’s not much you can do about the price of petrol. But you can make tweaks to the way you drive, and how you run your car, which can cut your fuel use and reduce your maintenance costs.
The art of eco-driving
How much difference can eco-driving really make? You might be surprised. When 50 AA staff in the UK trialled these techniques, they saved an average of 10 per cent on their weekly fuel costs – and one person saved 33 per cent.
Before you set out
- Remove extra weight from the car: you’ll not only improve efficiency, but also reduce braking time/distance. So, take out those golf clubs or gym gear that you’re not using right now.
- Take off roof racks. Leave them at home until you need them – they’re just creating drag.
- Plan ahead. Combine smaller trips into one journey and take the fastest routes to your destinations.

While you’re driving
- Keep calm. This can be really hard to do at times, but the more aggressively you drive, the more fuel you use. Try to drive smoothly, corner steadily, and have a light touch on the accelerator.
- Keep rolling – it uses less fuel than starting and stopping, so watch the traffic and slow down early for lights and queues.
- Does your vehicle have an eco or fuel saver mode? Now’s the time to use it.
- Stick to the speed limit.
- Be savvy with your air conditioning. If you do need to cool your car, open the windows at low speeds and use air conditioning at higher speeds when it makes less difference to fuel consumption.
- Switch off any unnecessary electrics – the worst culprit is heated seats.
Prevention is better than cure
A well-maintained car will run at peak efficiency. When you have your car serviced regularly, you’ll likely spot problems while they’re still minor. If you wait until your car won’t start or you have a breakdown, the cost of repairs will probably be much higher.
Tyre pressure is also an important aspect of fuel economy. Underinflated tyres not only put you at risk of a blowout (expensive!), but they can also reduce fuel efficiency by up to 4 per cent, according to Gen Less.
Tips for a specific vehicle
Try the Gen Less Fuel Efficient Driving Tool to identify ways to improve economy. It uses your registration number, then asks questions about your habits, before giving you an estimate on how much you could save by making the suggested changes.
It’s a win-win-win
There’s no real downside to making these changes, and the benefits can be substantial. A lower fuel bill is money straight into your pocket, while reducing maintenance costs, preventing speeding tickets, and decrease your carbon emissions.