
Gen Z Brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to Christmas dinners, study claims

Tesco’s yearly Christmas report has revealed more Brits are opting out of the iconic Christmas turkey dinner, as almost a quarter will be eating something else this year. The report also found that younger generations are more likely to try something new, as only 30 percent of 18-to-34 year olds will be eating turkey this year, compared to 58 percent in 2021.

Many people have decided to swap to chicken for their holiday roast, but others will be eating something less traditional, such as curry, pasta, pizza or frittatas.

The number of 18-to-24-year-olds who have decided to try a dish inspired by different cuisines around the world has also more than doubled.

food, gen z brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to christmas dinners, study claims

A bowl of brussel sprouts

Other changes Gen Z will be making this year is the rise of “Friendmas” celebrations, where Christmas is celebrated with friends rather than loved ones.

The trend, which began during lockdown, has led to more than one-in-ten 18-to-34-years olds to plan to spend the holiday with pals, with five percent of Brits overall opting to share Christmas with friends.

food, gen z brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to christmas dinners, study claims

Picture of a woman at Christmas dinner being handed over some turkey

Although young people have decided to drop turkey, some other Christmas favourites are making a comeback.

Brussels sprouts, which were once reviled as the worst Christmas dish, have sprung up in popularity among younger generations, as the number 18-to-24 years who say they “love” them has risen by 69 percent.

food, gen z brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to christmas dinners, study claims

Bowl of pigs and blanket

Pâté as a Christmas starter has also been revived thanks to Gen Z – as 8 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds will be eating it this year, compared to 4 percent last year.

Christmas pudding has been rising in popularity amongst all generations of Brits, but the number of young people who are having the traditional dessert this year has more than doubled, from 8 percent in 2021 to 17 percent in 2022.

food, gen z brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to christmas dinners, study claims

Picture of young people sitting down to Christmas dinner

However, pigs in blanket are still a safe bet to put on your Christmas table, as they have been cited as the number one festive trimming Brits are not prepared to cut back on.

In 2018, Brits said they only allowed themselves to eat three of the iconic side dish, but this year the number has gone up to five.

However, 11 percent of Brits reckon they will eat more than ten over the holiday season and 27 percent of people say they will not compromise on how much they spend on pigs and blankets.

Some Brits have stranger and more niche tastes as two percent of Brits say they have backed beans as their Christmas side dish, and other unusual options were black pudding and chips.

food, gen z brits to cut down on turkey and add more sprouts to christmas dinners, study claims

Picture of young people taking a selfie holding a glass

Some households will not be as merry as other parties this year, as the number of Brits identifying as teetotal has increased.

Two-in-five Gen Z Brits have said they will drink less alcohol this holiday season, compared to 21 percent of adults overall.

Some drinks have become less popular as well, as the number of people drinking red wine has declined from 28 percent to seven percent over the last five years.

Prosecco was found to be the drink of choice for the country this Christmas at 16 percent, followed by Champagne at 12 percent.

Scots in particular were found to love the bubbly drink, as 24 percent of people in Edinburgh said they will be having a glass of Prosecco.

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