What is the difference between cabbage and lettuce? Find out what the experts say
- Expert opinion from Aparna Nemalikanti
- Expert opinion from Ponna Geethanjali
- Expert opinion from Deekshita Girkala

Cabbage image
Expert opinion from Aparna Nemalikanti
M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics · 10 years of experience · India
Cabbage is used as a cooked vegetable while lettuce is used as raw in salads, burgers, sandwiches. Cabbage is more nutritious than lettuce. Cabbage is tougher and contains less water compared to lettuce. Cabbage leaves have a strong odor and taste while lettuce leaves are odorless.
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Expert opinion from Ponna Geethanjali
Msc Dietetics in Food Service Management, Clinical Dietitian · 9 years of experience · India
Cabbage and lettuce are both green vegetables that have many layers of leaves. Cabbage is tougher and contains less water than lettuce does. Cabbage is typically boiled or steamed or used in coleslaw and have a strong odor and taste. Lettuce is known for being crunchy, which used in salads or on burgers and leaves are odorless.
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Expert opinion from Deekshita Girkala
M.SC Nutrition & Dietetics · 2 years of experience · India
Though both the green leafy vegetables look alike, cabbage belongs to the brassicaceae family whereas lettuce belons to asteraceae family. Moreover, cabbage has high amounts of vitamin-c, which is almost 50 % more than that of lettuce. The fiber content of cabbage is also higher than lettuce while the former and latter has same amounts of sodium and potassium levels. Typically, lettuce is mostly consumed raw in wraps, salads, soups etc. whereas raw cabbage has strong flavor and thus is mostly partially or completely cooked.
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